“I’m doin’ the best I can, I hope it’s enough” - love letters to myself
Stepping into 2022, my intention in a word is: SHIFTING. Shifting my perspective and my critical consciousness. As the ancestors continue to take their rest, I think about the living and just ancestor I desire to be.
Mantra for the year
arguably a mantra for all seasons
Image above are words by Jocelyn McQuirter. The text reads: the right people will come, the right people will stay, the right people will leave, love for myself, and purpose takes lead.
Lately, it’s been love songs
Lately, I’ve been listening to love songs and hearing them as if they’re for and by me. The song quoted in the post is Love Song by María Isabel. My favorite lines:
“I'm doin' the best I can, I hope it's enough
Maybe you can't keep me safe, but keep me loved.”
Loving on myself in this new stage of life is like the beautiful sunrise on the frigid wintery days. It’s the practice of hugging myself, pouring kind words over me, and raising my energetic vibrations.
Like Goapele said, “closer to my dreams”
Nature is such an extraordinary place if you just allow it in - if you just slow down to see it. I’m magnetic to positive energy and the experience of lifes goodness. Mornings feel the most sacred. When I open the blinds, I watch the pinkish orange rays beaming from the sunrise. It’s in that moment I find pause; it’s a moment that gently reminds me a new day is just beginning.
In the dawn of new days, I’m sitting in greater gratitude for life and purpose now. Waking up feels different when you stay in gratitude of how many people won’t join todays awakening - stay thankful. I think often about the ancestors that walk with me each day and the legacy I hold with them.
Peace I find in my mid-day walk. I tread this Dakota land and witness the beauty of my neighborhood, the chatter of kids and their wondrous minds. If you can just imagine light, it is and always has been there - trust, you are worth the light.
Music video link of the song “Worth it” by Amber Mark.
Let the words be spoken
I’ve discovered a sudden burst of sharing and putting my words out there for the universe to see. It’s not even a validation point. I’m not doing this for likes, this for me is more than your content consumption; I’m doing this for my liberation and it feels so good.
Serving up greatness
Image is a poem by Jocelyn McQuirter.
The text reads:
Sometimes if you look, far enough into the distance you’ll see past what you think is serving, to the banquet, just over the valley, there lies abundance, where nourishment remains to be seen, may hearts open to receive.
A bolder self love starter kit - things to explore
Play 3 songs daily representing:
1) where you were,
2) where you are, and
3) where you’re headed
Take solo walks
Begin a gratitude journal
Work in foot soaks or a skin routine
I’m really digging Milk & Honey by Rupi Kaur and
Homie by Danez Smith
“Happy 2022 community! Find, hold, cherish your light. ”