The audacity to choose ease and why you should claim it
Reading time: 3 minutes
A couple weeks ago, I made a hard pass on my morning routine. Meditate, write, read, workout…. Instead, I stayed in bed and rested my eyes.
Not because I didn’t have things to do (I definitely did). Not because it was the weekend (evidently the work week). I just wanted a moment for more stillness. My body said meditate. The overachiever in me said get up and get the day started. Life, such a yin and yang sometimes.
That day, I chose ease which meant habits on pause. I worked out later. Planned to shovel snow later. Accepting ease allowed me to gaze at my son a while longer as he slept. His expression, the peace of a King. I listened intently to him breathe. Listening to every inhale and exhale reminded me of how much I get to choose. That I still get to choose life. Choosing what I get to let go of and what I get to keep. This was a moment; my working practice in surrendering with rest, ease, and stillness.
A child play sleeping on a sled surrounded by snow.
This is a reminder that when we choose ease things don't always crash and burn. We can even find people we least expect to show up for us. That morning, my neighbors shoveled my walk. They gave me ease. The morning didn’t start late. It happened just the way it was meant to be.
Living a well-lived life
If I wasn't in the room, if I didn't say anything ever again, how would you remember me? What transcends from my actions? What do I want my child to remember about me? Legacy is on my mind more and more these days.
In a coaching call with Neha Mandhani, I was reminded by other extraordinary women that whether I live in the social construct of working or not, I am still somebody worthy of life. I belong here whether I work for pay, work for purpose, or simply work to wake myself up (and my child), to eat, and carry my body through the day. That is work too.
Be worthy dear one of peace, abundance, and love always.
Tips for navigating ease
Find a place in your routine
I’m learning to make and model ease. For bedtime, no matter how much we jam out to Kidz Bop Kids or the gummy bear song (I’m not linking this song), my son knows the quite time music. We ease into our bedtime routine with a Sleepy Fish playlist.Budget your values
Calendar, plan, and set reminders to make ease part of your lifestyle. I intentionally wake up starting with guided meditation. I’m learning breathwork and that is another powerful tool. I return to it when I need to ease stress and feel more grounded.Find time to listen
Listen to your body. Listen to the silence. Listen and observe nature. When I play with my kid, I carry a pocket journal. I jot down his words that fill me with laughter, wonder, and immense love. He sits with me to make sure I get the words right. (this may be a book someday)
Accept that ease in modern society is complex. Accept you’re worth it too.
Ease can be a tough one for the to do list if you’re managing a household, have a demanding job, doing life, live in the western world, the list goes on. Hustle culture is real. Burnout is real. How do you want to be remembered? Who or what matters most to your legacy?
Big or small, start somewhere.
-pour and sip your coffee or tea a little slower
-schedule extra transition time between meetings or places-Limit time on social media (app blockers)
-Say no to say yes to yourself. A good starting point: Set Boundaries Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab
How do you find ease? Let me know in the comments!